Education with Care from 6 weeks to 6 years
Fee Free in January for new enrolments
Contact us now for you January position
​Offer details - including Terms and Conditions
The offer is only eligible to new enrolment applications made prior to 5pm December 20th 2017. (i;e the offer is not available to existing children, but available to new siblings – unless the parent account is in arrears)
Your child must enrol in care between 1st November 2018 and 31st January 2018.
The free January care commences on January 8th 2018 and ends on 29th January 2018, regardless of when your child first attends (e.g. If your child only commences enrolment in February 2018, you will not receive any free fees for days in February). If your child enrols in November, they will receive the free days in January.
The enrolment must be for a minimum 2 days attendance on a weekly basis for a minimum of 8 weeks – i.e: the parent must enrol, pay and accept a fee paying position for February or provide notice after February 16th on their intention not to continue care.
A full enrolment must be processed, a parent should intend for the child to commence care:
The full 'enrolment deposit fee' of $500 must be paid upon acceptance of an offer or by 20th December 2017. If notice is given prior to commencement, the $500 enrolment deposit fee is forfeited.
The parent/guardian must be registered for Child Care Benefit (CCB) and Child Care Rebate (CCR) to be eligible for this offer. CCB and CCR must be paid to service with Centrelink.
The account must be established and maintained using the ezi-debit payment method.
The Urambi Early Learning Fees and Charges Policy is applicable to this offer. In particular the parent will be liable for two weeks fees in advance for the period 1st February onwards.
At any point of cancellation or reduction of days from the 16th February, the parent guardian must provide 2 weeks written notice.
Any additional casual days requested on top of the booked permanent days within the free period (8 January 2018- 29th January 2018) will be charged at the standard rate.
Offer is only available at Urambi ELC.
Days are subject to availability of care at the discretion of Urambi ELC.
Urambi ELC has the right to refuse an application for this offer.
Urambi ELC reserves the right to discontinue the offer at any time. Those who have already begun the offer will not be impacted.